Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The evil stepmother in real life?

My father got remarried after my mother passed away and for a while i figured it would just be an adjustment that i'd just have to get used to. But around 4 years have passed and she is the central cause of stress in my life. She yells and curses at me in a way my biological mother never would have, and shows favoritism towards my stepbrother. I would be alright if she was simply showering him with gifts and leaving me alone but it seems like he's the "perfect child" and I'm the "problem child". I'm always the once being cursed out and made to feel like a disappointment, when I've been working hard to get straight A's and already concerned about whether or not I would be admitted to a good college. But according to her i'm hard-headed and stress full. Yet he almost flunked out of school and graduated after many, many, years of her dipping into her life's savings when his tuition money ran out, and yet he's the rose while i'm just a pile of thorns. When I try to ask her as politely as I can not to yell and scream at me she replies, "I can yell whenever I want, it's MY house." When I bring up that she's never yelled at her own son the way she berates me, she gets even more upset and increasees the volume.My father has confronted her many times to no avail. How do i manage to keep my sanity without becoming a visitor in my own home?

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